Power strength mods warframe
Power strength mods warframe

power strength mods warframe

Normally, you’d have to take enough damage or fall out of bounds to cast it again. It allows Rhino to shed the current Iron Skin he has on and recast it. Having the Iron Shrapnel augment is a must for this build too. You won’t be necessarily dishing out boosted damage with Roar due to low duration times. Rhino’s Iron Skin is not affected by duration. Note that with the more strength mods you put on, you’ll be sacrificing duration.

power strength mods warframe

What this does have over the other listed Warframes is that Rhino’s Iron Skin does not get negatively affected by the Financial Stress debuff when you pick up points. This tank build isn’t something as strong as something like a Nidus, Valkyr, Wukong, or Chroma. For this build, you want to slap on as many power strength mods on as possible, while fixing up the efficiency for subsequent casts. It’s a great farm for credits, Corpus weapon mods, and fighting John Prodman. This is a build catered for running The Index. Suggested Helminth subsumed abilities: Elemental Ward Tank Build: Suggested Arcanes: Arcane Energize, Arcane Guardian, Arcane Nullifier, Arcane Avenger You could also run this build in the Profit Taker fight on Venus. You can also run this build on higher level missions, even as far as something like Steel Path missions. The mod in the Umbral Fiber slot can be substituted with something like Constitution or a survivability mod, or ideally an augment like Iron Shrapnel. Keep in mind, the normal Intensify mod will do the job too. While the build displayed is not fully optimized with something like a Corrosive Projection or Growing Power mod in the aura slot, I simply used Steel Charge to fit in two Umbral Mods. You will mostly be sticking to using his Roar ability, though if you want to have more survivability, Iron Skin could also be casted, though it shouldn’t be necessary in dedicated groups. In dedicated teams for running Eidolon captures, the DPS is usually a Chroma or Rhino, since they can reliably dish out tons of damage with their signature abilities.

power strength mods warframe

For the purpose of this build, I maximized the strength and duration values for Rhino Prime while sacrificing efficiency and range.

Power strength mods warframe